Sa 23-rd from 10:00am to 8:00pm
Su 24-th from 10:00am to 5:00pm
...back to the middle ages
Sa 23-rd from 10:00am to 8:00pm
Su 24-th from 10:00am to 5:00pm
...back to the middle ages
Knights, conjurers, singers and pipers, drummers, nobles and winemakers in medieval attire accompany the two days of festivities
King of Bohemia and Emperor of Rome,
Charles IV.,
with his personal retinue, Queen Eliška and her fraucimor, as well as Mrs. Ofka, the bailiff of Karlštejn and others close to him.
And there shall be plenty of food, wine, beer, and bourbon, as much as your throat will bear.
Move on, know more...
Which way is it? If you don't want to just scroll, click and use these cool shortcuts ;o)
Do you feel like... or do you need...?
Dear participant of our event, whether you are in costume, helping with the organizing or offering your product range at the event, we have some info for you here and there, scroll on, or jump directly to what you are looking for ;o)
Yes, everyone who comes in medieval costume, dressed from head to toe (the paper royal crown from Burger King doesn't really count... ;o) gets in for free.
If you regularly attend these events and have your own costume, you win, just wear it and turn up.
You can buy or rent a costume from any costume rental shop. You can rent any costume from an executioner, to a miller, to a duke. There are no restrictions.
Costumes can be rented directly from KKS, the event organizer, by appointment, at the request of our costume makers through local channels. Due to their workload, there is a restriction on picking up and returning the costume. Pickup is only possible on the Friday before the event and return on the Sunday after the event. It is not possible to arrange for any loan/return by the CCC at other times. So if you are local, near local or plan to be here from Friday morning to late Sunday evening, this is the way to go, see link in the introduction.
### to be determined...
#### to be determined...
K 9.7.2023 jsme ukončili letošní příjem výše uvedených přihlášek, kapacita míst je plně vyčerpána. Prosíme, další přihlášky nezasílejete, nebudou nijak zpracovány!
Nejdříve lze rozbalit svůj stánek v sobotu 23.9. od 07:00 a nejpozději dokončit v sobotu 23.9. do 8:30. Od 9:00 začíná platit placený vstup, přicházejí první návštěvníci a tou dobou již musíte být v plné síle na místě :-)
POZOR! Vjezd vozidel do prostoru akce, v době jejího konání NENÍ POVOLEN (so 9:00 - 20:00 a ne 9:00 - 17:00), proto případné dozásobení stánku s nutností využití vozidla proveďte mimo tuto dobu!
Nejdříve lze začít balit svůj stánek v neděli 24.9. po 17:00 a nejpozději do 21:00. Do 17:00 jsou plánované akce a pro všechny návštěvníky musíte být v plné síle na místě tedy až do samého konce :-) Předčasné opuštění prostor akce bude bráno v potaz na vaši případnou další budoucí přihlášku.
">Interested in showing off your craft or your products at our event? Then fill in this application form for stallholders at the XXV. The application form also includes details and a schedule.
Please send applications to:
As of 9.7.2023 we have closed this year's acceptance of the above applications, the capacity of places is fully exhausted. Please do not send any more applications, they will not be processed in any way!
The earliest you can set up your stall is 07:00 on Saturday 23 September and the latest you can finish is 08:30 on Saturday 23 September. From 9:00 the paid entry starts, the first visitors arrive and by that time you must be in full force on site :-)
ATTENTION! Vehicles are NOT ALLOWED to enter the event area during the event (Sat 9:00 - 20:00 and Sun 9:00 - 17:00), so any restocking of the stand with the need to use a vehicle should be done outside these times!
The earliest you can start packing up your stall is after 17:00 on Sunday 24 September and no later than 21:00. There are scheduled events until 17:00 and for all visitors you must be in full force on site until the very end :-) Leaving the event premises early will be taken into consideration for your possible future registration.
#### to be determined...
#### to be specified...
### to be specified...
Public toilets, free of charge, can be found next to Karlstejn Square, directly on the road towards Morina / quarries America, behind the stable Kiosk Mlsná Huba. These are several, temporarily placed mobile toilets.
Toilet attendants are always present in their vicinity.
Other public toilets are in the central parking lot, in the castle courtyard, at the train station, and at the kiosks across from the WAX museum. Some restaurants have toilets for a fee if you are not a guest or have them reserved for their guests.
Dear resident, dear businessman, visitor, employee, craftsman, ... This annual weekend event in Karlštejn has a great impact on you, your visitors, your partners, employees, ... Here we have the information to make everything clear, scroll on or jump directly to what you are looking for ;o)
Please excuse any such restrictions during this event, its aim is to bring more visitors to our township, which we are succeeding in doing. To provide them with a nice experience and to enjoy the whole atmosphere together at the very beginning of autumn. It is a lot of work to arrange and organize and if you don't like something, please come among us, become our member and bring a new wind to this common mummery, your KKS ;o)
Here you will find additional information on how to behave in relation to the Karlštejn Vintage Festival event
This entire section describing entrepreneurs applies equally to state-owned enterprises, corporate representatives, free-lancers, ... In addition to the information below, please pay attention to the traffic restrictions associated with the event and its map.
A business with a registered office or business premises in the event area has the opportunity to pick up free tickets for themselves and their employees in the appropriate number at the KKS. In order to limit the misuse of these tickets, we have done the following this year:
"Free vintage tickets for employees and temporary workers passing through the enclosure between 9:00am-5:00pm will be given to businesses under written business contract and property owners within the enclosure. Admission without a ticket is allowed before 9am and after 5pm."
Free tickets will be issued at the Karlstejn Municipality Office in the KKS premises (left ground floor) on the following days:
Any additional tickets are subject to the rules of purchasing tickets for the event.
If your business involves the provision of accommodation services, especially in the event, please inform your guests of the event and the need to purchase tickets and traffic restrictions associated with the event, see the section for guests. We ask that you allow your residents to check in early or check out late compared to standard times if necessary.
For businesses not based in the event footprint (map). You and your employees will also need to provide a valid ticket if you wish to enter/pass through the venue within the time pay range. Please note, you will NOT be admitted by vehicle!
Should you be dealing with an emergency that requires a vehicle presence - temporary or more permanent, please follow the information for emergency sitautions.
It is fully recommended that establishments within the event footprint or requiring passage do so by 9:00 am, when entry fees begin. In the case of local establishments, you must either pick up free tickets, provide them to the employee for whom you have claimed them, or must purchase a ticket through the standard route. If you know in advance of such a sitaution, use the presale.
Your customers entering/passing the event during paid time must have their own valid ticket like anyone else. Please inform your customers of traffic and entry restrictions during XXV. Karlštejn Vintage Festival. If you decide to provide your important customers with a ticket at your expense, we recommend that you use their pre-sale.
Your partners entering/passing the event during paid time must be equipped with their own valid ticket like anyone else. Please inform your partners of the traffic and entry restrictions during XXV. Karlštejn Vintage Festival. If you decide to provide your partners with a ticket at your expense, we recommend using their advance sales.
Here you will find a description for emergency conditions.
According to the information below, if you have a ticket or have free entry, you actually become a visitor to the event, so the information for visitors hereby applies to you as well :-)
Children up to 15 years of age have free entry, generally any, not only for those residing in Karlštejn.
As a citizen of Karlštejn, a permanent resident of the municipality and aged 15+, you are entitled to a completely free ticket, distributed by our association KKS, which organises the Karlštejn Vintage Festival.
The free tickets will be issued at the Karlštejn Municipality Office in the KKS premises (left ground floor) on:
Any additional tickets are subject to the rules of purchasing tickets for the event.
If you are providing accommodation services or have visitors, especially in the event area, please inform them about the event and the need to purchase tickets and the traffic restrictions associated with the event, see the section for accommodated persons.
Please also pay close attention to traffic restrictions during the event.
Here you will find a description for emergency conditions.
The rules are the same for everyone, you either qualify for free entry or you must have a valid ticket, those are the rules of the game. If you are not specifically going to the Karlštejn Vintage event and just want to walk through the event grounds, or you are visiting Karlštejn Castle, you still need to pay to enter the grounds, according to the information above. This applies to individuals, families, groups of friends as well as organized tours, without exception. You too can take advantage of the discounts in the early online purchase of tickets.
Here we have prepared a description of possible detour routes.
If I am a citizen of Karlštejn, then I am reading here.
If I am a businessman, then I read here.
I'm coming to your restoration "just to taste" your pizza...
I'm going to "just sit" on a plane, it's the Canaries I'm after, not your plane, I'm not interested in that at all...
I'm just going to pay my taxes and only half of it, I don't like the rest...
I'm going to your stand to "just taste" your sausages...
I'm just going to try out the sleeping arrangements in your rooms...
An event of the size of the Karlštejn Wine Festival usually also includes traffic restrictions associated with the preparation, holding and cleaning of the affected areas. Here are the details of these road and traffic restrictions. This restriction applies to everyone, i.e. citizens of the village, property owners, service providers, delivery services, visitors, guests, business people, employees in the premises, ...
o All vehicles - motorized and non-motorized, except for covered wagons and horse riders participating in the parade
o from the petrol station to the substation by the bridge, this is a left bank road in a section with a valid speed limit of max. 30 km/h
o Saturday 23 September 2023 for 1/2 hour, between 13:20 and 13:45
o Sunday 24.9.2023 for 1/2 hour, between 13:20 and 13:45
o The marshalling of Charles IV's imperial procession and its passage towards the castle over the hill below the church of St, Palmatia
o All motor vehicles, single and multiple-track vehicles and pedestrians heed the instructions of the firefighters present
o Passage/passage around the Vyhlídka restaurant in the pedestrian zone
o Monday 18.9.2023 for 3 hours, between 16:00 and 19:00
o Monday 25.9.2023 for 3 hours, between 16:00 and 19:00
o construction and demolition of the entrance gate to the Karlstejn Vintage Fair paid area
o all motorized and non-motorized vehicles, except for coated vehicles and horse riders and IZS
o Passage/entry/exit/ride through the entire enclosure, see event map
o Saturday 23 September 2023 between 09:00 and 21:00
o Sunday 24.9.2023 between 09:00 and 17:00
About the XXV. Karlstejn Vintage Festival
Please handle any emergency situations during the restricted entry/exit times calmly and with discretion, a small guide for emergency movement here.
The rules are the same for everyone, either you qualify for free entry or you must have a valid ticket, those are the rules of the game. If you do not want to participate in the Karlstejn Wine Festival event and just want to pass through the event area from/to the accommodation during the paid admission period, you still need to pay to enter the event area. You can also take advantage of the early online ticket discount.
If your temporary accommodation in the event area ends/begins at the time of the paid area closure, you will not be allowed to enter/exit the event area with your vehicle. You may not even move your vehicle within the event area. See the traffic restrictions section for more details and times. Restrictions also apply to any passenger transport services (taxis etc).
We recommend that you make arrangements with your accommodation provider for early arrival/late departure outside of the closure times, or re-park your vehicle outside of the restricted area in good time.
If you need to enter/exit the event enclosure in an emergency during enclosure times, please refer to the emergency sitaution information.
Before we say goodbye, we have a mix of additional information, scroll on, or jump straight to what you're looking for ;o)
Detour routes
Where to next?
Are you lost? Need help? Here are the basic contacts for such emergency situations...
Scroll or click on who you need ;o)
Here you will find additional information on how to behave in relation to the medieval Karlstein wine festival event
Kateřina Rampasová
+420 777 284 133
Hanka Lacmanová
+420 607 146 827
Jiří Mašek
+420 602 344 904
Jiří Modr
+420 602 195 638
### to be added...
And a big thank to all of you and our partners!
Půjčování kostýmů proběhne v PÁTEK, 22.9., od 16,00 – 20,00 hod na obecním úřadu Karlštejn v kostymérně KKS (přízemí vlevo).
Účinkující ve fraucimoru a pážata (kočárová a nesoucí korunovační klenoty), vzhledem k naplánované zkoušce na nádvoří hradu v PÁTEK, 22.9., od 19,00 hod, si dohodnou půjčení kostýmů s Hankou na dřívější hodinu nebo již na ČTVRTEK, 21.9.2023.
Vrácení kostýmů bude v NEDĚLI, 24.9. od 18,00 – 20,00 hod tamtéž, kde jste si je půjčili.
">You can order a costume until SUNDAY 3 September 2023! Read more...
Ordering costumes for the XXV. Karlstejn Vintage Festival, which this year will take place from 23.- 24.9.2023.
The price for renting is 100,- CZK per person.
Those interested in renting a historical costume for this year's vintage party from KKS, the organizer of the event, will send the following dimensions for each costumed participant:
- body height
- chest circumference across the chest
- waist circumference
- hip circumference
The above information should be sent by e-mail:
The costume rental will take place on FRIDAY, 9/22, from 16.00 - 20.00 at the Karlštejn municipal office in the KKS costume room (ground floor left).
Performers in fraucimor and pageboys (carriage and carrying the crown jewels), due to the scheduled rehearsal in the castle courtyard on FRIDAY, 9/22, at 7.00 pm, arrange to rent costumes with Hanka for an earlier hour or as early as THURSDAY, 21.9.2023.
Costume returning
Costume returns will be on SUNDAY, 9/24 from 6-8pm at the same location where you rented them.
Here you will find additional information on how to behave in relation to the Karlštejn Vintage Festival event
Ing. Jiří Modr,, web services
Nicepage and by Nicepage
Free version of translator (translete this page)
Production manager
Basic emergency calls, you can call immediattely by clik on the right box bellow
Representatives of KKS, the organizer of the event, are citizens of Karlštejn, and also go to events elsewhere. We know ourselves that absolutely unexpected situations can occur. So if you really need to "crash" into/out of the event area, use the roads outside the main entrance gate (NOT past the post office/NOT past the Clock House), i.e. past the castle to Mořina, ideally the lower Hluboký, past Mlsná Huba, Dragon Rock, U Dubu and Mořina. WATCH for times around the afternoon main imperial parade on both days and the Saturday night lantern parade and fire show in the square. Only EMS or life threatening vehicles will be allowed to pass through at these exposed times. See the event program or event map or trafic restrictions setctions for details.
We hope and wish that no one has to take advantage of this.
### to be added...